Wednesday, September 29, 2010


On Friday Mr. Wats came to our class to talk about habitats and how animals live in the arctic.
He tough us what kinds of different species of animals there are like penguins and seals (for example). Some of the things we learned were:
  • krill is one of the most developed animal.
  • krill is one of the most eaten animal.
  • krill lives up to only 15 years.
  • Animals usually come to the arctic in summer because all of the food is there then, because algae grows in summer because of the sun so the krill comes and eats it and then wales come to eat the krill etc.
  • Elephant seals fight for women (when they fight the person who wins gets all the women)
  • And the Leopard seals sing to the women.
I think Mr. Wats tough us a lot I really enjoyed listening to his presentation.

  1. How did the krill species get so advance?
  2. Why do mothers of penguins only tend to feed and toughen on baby penguin but not the other?
  3. If there was no krill in the world would/could the rest of the animals still survive?
  4. Why do elephant seals slack around most the day?
  5. How much does an average elephant seal weigh?

Current Event 2

Title: Diabetes Drug Might Fight Cancer


An ancient herbal remedy that constitutes the active ingredient in a modern diabetes drug may soon play a new role in fighting cancer and saving the world. This research was founded on September 7th. The support was found earlier population studies suggesting that diabetes patients receiving the drug, called metformin, are less prone to develop cancer.

Fighting Cancer:

Metformin helps to stabilize blood sugar by decreasing the liver’s glucose (blood sugar, grape sugar, corn sugar) output and increasing the sugar’s use by muscle tissue. This was proven by Scott Lippman, an oncologist at the University of Texas with a M.D (master’s degree). It is estimated that already 40 million metformin drugs. In one of the new studies, Atsushi Nakajima of Yokohama City University School of Medicine in Japan and colleagues measured how metformin affected the development of tiny lesions in the colon cancer. Using colonoscopy data, the scientists identified 26 patients who had had polyps removed during a colonoscopy. The scientists randomly assigned some to get metformin and others to get a placebo. When the patients came back for their check up 9 patients had their lesions than they had before, but the other 17 that were proscribed placebo did not change. In the other study a U.S team induced lung cancer in mice with injections of a tobacco-based carcinogen. One week after the last shot, some mice were given either a low or a medium dose of metformin in their drinking water for 13 weeks. The tumor burden in these mice declined by 39 percent and 53 percent over that time, depending on the dose they received. When the researchers delivered an even higher dose of metformin, this time by injection, the tumor burden shrank by 72 percent, says study coauthor Phillip Dennis of the National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, Masters Degree.


I believe that Metoformin can help defeat cancer although I also believe that they should try to develop a better drug than metoformin but the same basics, so I think that metoformin can actually help people survive cancer, although they should try to improve the drug to make it more affective. Because the nine patients that were given metoformin were cured but they were not cured all the way.

Important Word:

1. Metformin





Creator: Nathan Seppa

Made: September 7, 2010

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Living Things and the Environment
Survival video
After reading the section on living things and the Environment in your textbook, apply your knowledge to answer the following questions in a new blog post on your blog. What needs are met by an organism's environment? What are the two parts of an organism's habitat with which it interacts? What are the levels of organization within an ecosystem? Why do you find different kinds of organisms in different habitats? Think about what will soon start happening within Belgrade. How do animals prepare for such a change?

Now, search for and embed a video showing a living thing in its environment. What would happen if we took away one or more of the living or nonliving factors in its environment? Which factors could they survive without?

Look at (at least) two of your classmates blog posts. Respond to them in their comments section under their post about either their answers to the questions or the video they have posted. Email me the names of the classmates who you respond to.

1. An Organism needs Oxygen and nutritious and everything that lives in the same organism.
2. One of them are camouflage and the other one is hibernation.
3. I think the levels are high.
4. because of the tip of weather and species that live in different ecosystems.
5. They would get ready for rain and not much nature.

Monday, September 20, 2010

007 Worms

007 worm 1:
8.20.09 - by Science magazine
What sounds like a gadget that was developed by Q in a James Bond movie is actually a gadget that was developed by nature and is used by a newly discovered species of worms. Karen Osborn of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego, California and colleagues discovered seven new species of worms that blind their predators when attacked.
By using remotely operated vehicles, researchers found seven previously unknown species of swimmd the attacking animal. By the time the predator's eyes adjust back to the darkness of the deep sea the wing annelid worms below 1800 meters. When in danger the worm throws "Green Bombs" that blinorm is long gone.
007 worm 2:
Ranging in size from three-fourths of an inch to nearly four inches, the worms live at depths of 5,900 feet to more than 12,000 feet. About 2 millimeters across, the glowing bombs are actually modified gills that consist of four chambers, likely holding apart fluids that react when they come into contact with each other to create light. Each worm has eight appendages for holding the sacs. When released, the sacs glow green for about a minute, Osborn reports. "It's a different chemistry than has been found in other polychaete worms in the same phylum," she says. She presumes the worms drop the bombs as a way of distracting predators.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Survival Video

What tactics or adaptation do animals use to survive?
Play dead, sense of smell, eye site, Speed.
Forms of bieng born:
Eggs, live birth, marsupials, deceit.
1 out of 1000 baby turtles die before reaching the water.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Organisms have basic needs. For example, animals need air, water, and food; plants require air, water, nutrients, and light. Organisms can survive only in environments in which their needs can be met. The world has many different environments, and distinct environments support the life of different types of organisms.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Gummy bear

Yo guys wazzup look at this its epic;
Bye Bye Gummy bear

My Goals:
To be Organised
To come to class on time
To do all of my current events
A living thing is:
  • One that excretes waste
  • Reproduces
  • Needs Nutritions to live
  • Has cells
  • Use energy
  • Grows and develops