Thursday, December 1, 2011


It is very posible that another ice age could acure in the next 100 years all due to the unnormal changes of climate in the past years. As the Arctic warms greenhouse gases will be released from  permafrost faster and at significantly higher temparature levels than previous times,

Permafrost thaw will release about the same amount of carbon as deforestation, state different scientists, but the effect on climate will be 2.5 times bigger because emissions include methane, which has a greater effect on warming than carbon dioxide.
The scientists created a survey, that is  led by "University of Florida researcher Edward Schuur and University of Alaska Fairbanks graduate student Benjamin Abbott", the climate experts were asked "what percentage of the surface permafrost is likely to thaw, how much carbon will be released and how much of that carbon will be methane." The experts stated that the  estimate that the amount of carbon released by 2100 will be 1.7 to 5.2 times larger than reported in recent studies, which used a similar warming scenario.

In my oppinion, this is possible because of all the ways humans use to pullute earth, we are tearing down the ozon and reaserch has shown and proved this to be correct, the winters have been getting warmer, and if we keep this "greenhouse effect" going on it is very possible that we will encounter an Ice age.
Science Daily

The Early Atmosphere

Dinisours, early Human all examples of great history but imagine the History of the Early Worlds Atmosphere. Scientists in the "New York Center for Astrobiology at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute" have tested the oldest minerals on Earth to "rebuilt" the atmospheric conditions on Earth very soon after its birth. The findings, which were found in  December. 1  are the first evidence of what the ancient atmosphere of the planet was like soon after its formation and directly challenge years of research on the type of atmosphere out of which life arose on the planet.

The scientists show that the atmosphere of Earth, 500 million years after its creation was not a methane, filled planet as previously stated, it was much closer to the conditions of our current atmosphere.
For many years, scientists believed that the atmosphere of early Earth was highly reduce (the oxygen was limited.) Such poor oxygen conditions would have resulted in an atmosphere filled with noxious methane, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, and ammonia. To date, there remain widely held theories and studies of how life on Earth may have been built out of this deadly atmosphere cocktail.
Now, scientists at Rensselaer are turning these atmospheric beliefs with findings that prove the conditions on early Earth were simply not conducive to the formation of this type of atmosphere, but rather to an atmosphere dominated by the more oxygen-rich compounds found within our current atmosphere including water, carbon dioxide, and sulfur dioxide.

This was a unique discovery for me, I honestly thought that the the Atmosphere could change but it shows that it has the same structer as before. I was also very interested in how it was formed and that it was also being harmed in the early stanges of Earths Life.
Science Daily

The Dying stars

If you ever wondered how you would know when a star is dying you must read this! The Scientists and astronemers have desided to close to their goal of observing a star just before it goes supernova.

The study, that was submitted in a paper to the "Astrophysical Journal", has  the latest result from an Ohio State University galaxy survey going on with the Large Binocular Telescope, found in Arizona.
In the first survey , the researchers have scaned about 25 nearby galaxies for stars that brighten and go dark in unusual ways, in order to see a few that are about to meet their end. In the three years since the study began, thw "particular unnamed binary system in the Whirlpool Galaxy" was the first among the stars that the astronemers cataloged to produce a supernova.
The astronomers were trying to find out if there are patterns of brightening or dimming that show the end of a stars life. Instead, they saw one star in this "binary system" go dark before the other one exploded in a supernova during the summer of 2011.
Though the scientist are still looking through the data, it's very likely that they didn't get any direct observations of the star that exploded only its much brighter partner.
A principal investigator Christopher Kochanek (professor of astronomy at Ohio State and the Ohio Eminent Scholar in Observational Cosmology), does not beleive that the first result was a disappointment. "Rather, it's a proof of concept."

I found this Amazingly interesting to find out how it looks like when I star dies, but it also interesting that you cant tell when it died because even when a star dies its lights still shines for a wild and because we dont know how far away from us it is we dont know when it died.
Science Daily

Uh Oh Gammaray

 Would you freak out if I told you that a gammaray explosion migh accur? Dont bother because ot allready did. An amazing  cosmic explosion first detected by NASA's great observatory it happened on Christmas day it was caused by either a novel type of supernova located billions of lightyears away or an unusual collision very close to our galaxy. Papers describing both interpretations appear in the Dec. 1 issue of the journal Nature

Gammaray explosions  are the universe's most lighted and dangereus explosions, it emitting more energy in a few seconds than our sun will during its entire life. What astronomers are calling this the "Christmas burst" they also state that it is "so unusual that it can be modeled in such radically different ways."
"What the Christmas burst seems to be telling us is that the family of gamma-ray bursts is more diverse than we fully appreciate," said Christina Thoene (the supernova study's lead author) scienctists are rapidly detecting hundreds of them, in some cases the scientists  can catch some of them.
What happens is that the crushed core that forms when a star much bigger than  the sun's mass explodes. When the star's fuel is exhausted, it destroys under its own weight, pushing on its core so much that about a half million times Earths mass is squeezed into a ball no larger than a city. And then explodes.

Wow. I find these gammaray bursts increadibly interesting they can last about 7 to 8 minutes but can whipe out an enitire galaxy. There is even a 1/13billion chance that it can happen to us this very second. They are amung the most powerfull rays, for this to happen and be seen by scientists is  wonderfull and excrusiating. Science Daily, Nov.30.2011

New Planet


Some of the people out there today, beleive that us humans are the only ones to have a planet that has such caracteristics that can keep us as humans alive, and our agriculture, those people are wrong Nasa Has discovered a planet that has simulare characteristics to Earth. The "NASA Kepler Mission" was designed to find and anylize planets in the Milky Way galexy that are Earth sized or in a "habitable Zone" these planets must have a system in which liquid water can exsist, and to find out  how many of the billions of stars in our galaxy have these planets. And now the Nasa project has another planet on the list "Kepler".

A research team led by Steve Howell  (a NASA Ames Researcher), has proved that one of the brightest stars in the "Kepler star field" has a planet with a radius only 1.6 that of Earth's radius and a mass no greater that 10 Earth masses, it  circles a parent star with a 2.8-day period. In such a short time, and a very bright star, the team has over 65 astronomers! Acording to NASA these austronouts are David Silva, Ken Mighell and Mark Everett of the National Optical. The Astronomy Observatory needed multiple telescopes to support and confirm their "Kepler observations." These were the 4-meter Mayall telescope and the WIYN telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory.
With a period of only 2.8 days, this planet, is only about 6 million kilometers away from its parent star. Kepler 21b is far hotter than any place humans could venture. The team states that the temperature at the surface of the planet is about 626 C. This temperature is  not even close to  the habitable zone in which liquid water might be found, the planet's size is simulare to Earths.