Thursday, November 25, 2010

Current Events 8 Death Of the Polar Bear

Polar Bears Soon to Extinct

Have you wondered about this question“ Will polar bears survive in a warmer world?“ well the answer is probably no. Imagine your grandchildren not knowing what a polar bear or not seeing one, that would be very sad. Now I will present the facts why this is true.

As polar bears lose habitat due to global warming, these biologists say, they will be forced southward in search of alternative sources of food, where they will increasingly come into competition with grizzly bears.

To test how this competition might end, the UCLA biologists constructed three-dimensional computer models of the skulls of polar bears and grizzly bears subspecies of brown bears and simulated the process of biting. The models enabled them to compare the two species in terms of how hard they can bite and how strong their skulls are.

The implication is that polar bears are likely to lose out in competition for food to the Grizzle bears, therefore they would die out. This will shake the whole food chain, and the animals habitats.

Grizzlies as warmer temperatures bring them into the same environments, because grizzlies' stronger skulls are better suited to a plant-rich diet, said Slater and Blaire Van Valkenburgh, UCLA professor of ecology and evolutionary biology and senior author of the research.

In conclusion as you see there are many possibilities for these animals (polar bears) to die out (go to Extinction). I believe that this has a very negative effect to the environment, if these animals do die out the food chain could corrupt or be severely shaken. I believe that extinction is a huge issue in the modern world, not many people are trying to stop it, although many laws have been passed about pollution, and I believe that if there was any chance for us to abide these laws there could be a possibility of stopping this major pollution issue (this would also help us for other problems that have something to do with pollution.)

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