Thursday, December 1, 2011

New Planet


Some of the people out there today, beleive that us humans are the only ones to have a planet that has such caracteristics that can keep us as humans alive, and our agriculture, those people are wrong Nasa Has discovered a planet that has simulare characteristics to Earth. The "NASA Kepler Mission" was designed to find and anylize planets in the Milky Way galexy that are Earth sized or in a "habitable Zone" these planets must have a system in which liquid water can exsist, and to find out  how many of the billions of stars in our galaxy have these planets. And now the Nasa project has another planet on the list "Kepler".

A research team led by Steve Howell  (a NASA Ames Researcher), has proved that one of the brightest stars in the "Kepler star field" has a planet with a radius only 1.6 that of Earth's radius and a mass no greater that 10 Earth masses, it  circles a parent star with a 2.8-day period. In such a short time, and a very bright star, the team has over 65 astronomers! Acording to NASA these austronouts are David Silva, Ken Mighell and Mark Everett of the National Optical. The Astronomy Observatory needed multiple telescopes to support and confirm their "Kepler observations." These were the 4-meter Mayall telescope and the WIYN telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory.
With a period of only 2.8 days, this planet, is only about 6 million kilometers away from its parent star. Kepler 21b is far hotter than any place humans could venture. The team states that the temperature at the surface of the planet is about 626 C. This temperature is  not even close to  the habitable zone in which liquid water might be found, the planet's size is simulare to Earths.

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